This is one particular story I can give details on, because it’s a public place.

My former husband was known for his back road driving.  I’m sure it’s something that most of us Ohioans do to get from point A to point B to make the drive faster or slower depending on your mood that day.  My ex would ask ‘Straight shot or Scenic Route?’  That was asking did I just wanna hop on the highway or take the back roads.  We always took the back roads.  He would take us one way and then ask ‘Do you know where we are?’  I’d tell him ‘Well up that road if we go up and turn left we’d be on such and such a road.’  He was always surprised since I spent our whole marriage as a non driver.   I have a great visual memory.

One of our back road romps was driving out to see family and we were cutting through Symmes Township and the down of Camp Dennison.  If  you’re not familiar with your history Camp Dennison was a training group for Northern Soldiers during the Civil War.

I was new to the area having just moved from California the year prior, but was unaware of just how historical an area I was moving into, or how active it could be. We were taught a blurb about the Civil War in school, but not strong details.   My former husband liked to drive this way,and it was in the fall, the sun was setting as we made our way past Camp Dennison. As you drive past there’s a long wide field close to the road, it’s open and untouched before you come to the houses that were part of the Underground Railroad.  I had my head cocked to the side looking out the window, taking in the way the drive looked, when I saw how foggy it was in the field.


Sorry it’s Fuzzy, but the white dot is the Camp Dennison Civil War Museum, my experience took place just past that to the right in that clearing of space where the trees open up at the curve.

The longer I kept looking the more I realized it wasn’t fog but shapes of A framed tents.  I could see men bustling around doing different things, some in short brimless hats, others wearing brimmed hats.  They were all dressed similar and going about their business.  The strangest part was the colour of the fog itself. It was a pale blue.  The whole image was there, clear as day, and I turned my head to see if it would disappear, and it remained.

All of this took place as we’re driving 40 mph past, so I craned my neck to see if I could see them and the foggy images stayed.  At this point I’m blinking to see if what I’m seeing is right. I ask my former husband if he is seeing this, and he looks. By that point it’s gone.  I don’t see it anymore. I was pretty stunned.

I very rarely ‘see’ spirit. I feel them, I on occasion hear them, but visual sightings are pretty rare for me. I get their emotions and they show me images of their lives, but this, this was a particular treat. To this day, i am still blown away.
